AAI's ReplicaR portfolio 2023

At Automotive Artificial Intelligence (AAI), our vision is to "create a replica of the world".

We are dedicated to creating an innovative testing and training world in simulation for highly automated driving (HAD) systems to enhance their reliability and performance. Hereby we align with established safety guidelines and best practices of the automotive industry.

Our commitment to industry regulations and standards reinforces our goal of building a collaborative and safe future for the development HAD systems and the communities they operate in.

The AAI ReplicaR platform combines a holistic synthetic world in simulation with a consistent tool-chain for virtual validation to enable comprehensive closed and open loop testing as well as training and data-driven analysis of the performance and safety of the System under Test(SuT). AAI ReplicaR gives engineers of HAD the power of synthetic, but realistic, and AI-based design options to get an extensive, reproducible and structurable test case coverage within a short timeframe.

Thus, HAD development and homologation departments gain significant benefits from AAI ReplicaR's highly scalable and traceable test methodology.

To get more insights about all our solutions, have look into our AAI's ReplicaR portfolio!
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6 hours ago

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